Bell Schedules

TRUANCY - An absence for the entire day, a major portion of the day, or the major portion of any class activity during the school day, for which the student is scheduled (without an excuse).
EARLY DISMISSAL - Missing a portion of the school day or portion of any class or activity during the school day for which the student is scheduled. A student must attend 3 hours and 16 minutes to be counted present for the day. 
TARDINESS - Late arrival to school. 
ABBREVIATED DAY - Dismissal time for abbreviated days is 11:40 a.m. (middle and high school) and 12:15 p.m. (elementary school). Refer to the school calendar at for a listing of abbreviated days.

Students are to remain on campus upon arrival. Start and end times are as follows: 
 Pre-K: 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. 
 Elementary Schools: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 

Students who arrive to class after the tardy bell rings must obtain a tardy form from the office before going to the classroom. Being tardy for school can become a habit and must be avoided. Students who leave early or miss a portion of the school day will be recorded as early dismissal. All tardiness or early dismissals are considered unexcused unless documented with a note from a medical provider or approved by the appropriate school administrator.  
 All medical notes from a health care provider must be faxed or emailed to your child(ren)’s school clinic to ensure they are received in a timely manner. The school’s front office can provide the fax number. 
 The principal is responsible for classifying student absences as excused or unexcused. While this duty may routinely be delegated to others, the principal has the final determination. 

No child will be permitted to leave the school premises during the day without the written permission of the parent or guardian and/or in the custody of said person. Under no circumstances will a child be released to unidentified or unauthorized persons. Please do not depend on telephone calls to have children dismissed.
* Positive identification cannot be made by phone. The student must be signed out in the school office. 
*Students living at home, and who are at least 18 years of age, must have a parent/guardian call the office in order to check them out of school if written permission has not been provided. 

Students will be allowed to submit eight (8) parental excuses per year (4 per semester at the High School Level). All documentation regarding absences, whether a parent or medical excuse, it must be submitted upon the student’s return to school. 
 All medical notes from a health care provider must be faxed to your child(ren)’s school clinic to ensure they are received in a timely manner. The school’s front office can provide the fax number.  The principal is responsible for classifying student absences as excused or unexcused. While this duty may routinely be delegated to others, the principal has the final determination.  Students who have more than nine (9) unexcused absences to any one class will not be permitted to participate in Prom or Graduation. They may also be eliminated from participating in certain field trips or extracurricular events. 

Any student who accumulates more than 35 hours absent unexcused due to signing in late or leaving early will be referred for Truancy to the Coordinator of Attendance. These students will be considered to be in violation of the Attendance Law and may face all potential sanctions listed in the handbook. 
Lincoln Elementary School doors open at 7:30 and all students must enter through the front doors by the office.
Description / Period Start Time End Time Length
Doors Open 7:30 AM
Students dismissed to classrooms 8:05 AM
Tardy Bell (students must be in their classrooms) 8:30 AM
Dismissal 3:30 PM