

Abraham Lincoln Elementary School is a school wide Title I school. The school receives federal monies based on the number of students who are economically disadvantaged.  We believe that Family Engagement is key to student achievement and success. Please view our Calendar of Events below for Family and Community Engagement Opportunities.
La Escuela Primaria Abraham Lincoln es una escuela de Título I en toda la escuela. La escuela recibe fondos federales en función de la cantidad de estudiantes con desventajas económicas. Creemos que Family Engagement es clave para el éxito y el éxito estudiantil. Por favor vea nuestro Calendario de Eventos a continuación para las Oportunidades de Inmersión / Participación Familiar y Comunitaria.


The Kingsport City Schools Office of Federal Programs administers and supports programs that improve the academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students (Title I); prepare, train and recruit high quality teachers and principals (Title II); provide language instruction for limited English proficient students-ELL (Title III).
Lincoln Elementary is one of five Title I schools within Kingsport City Schools. Those schools include: Jackson Elementary, Kennedy Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary and Sevier Middle School.
La Oficina de Programas Federales de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Kingsport administra y apoya programas que mejoran el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes económicamente desfavorecidos (Título I); preparar, entrenar y reclutar maestros y directores de alta calidad (Título II); proporcionar instrucción de idioma para estudiantes con dominio limitado del inglés-ELL (Título III).
La Escuela Primaria Lincoln es una de las cinco escuelas de Título I dentro de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Kingsport. Esas escuelas incluyen: Jackson Elementary, Kennedy Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary y Sevier Middle School.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

As a school wide Title I school, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), formally No Child Left Behind (NCLB), requires that we inform you that you have the right to request information regarding the qualifications of our teachers and paraprofessionals who work at Lincoln Elementary. Information about specific teachers regarding state licensing, qualifications, degrees held, fields of discipline, and certification may be requested in writing via email through our Family Liaison and Title I Coordinator, Marsha Musick. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible.
For more information on ESSA please see the link below.


Como escuela de Título I en toda la escuela, DEJADO ATRÁSCada estudiante triunfa (ESSA), anteriormente No Child Left Behind (NCLB), requiere que le informemos que tiene derecho a solicitar información sobre las calificaciones de nuestros maestros y paraprofesionales que trabajan en la Escuela Primaria Lincoln. La información sobre maestros específicos con respecto a la licencia estatal, calificaciones, títulos obtenidos, campos de disciplina y certificación puede solicitarse por escrito y por correo electrónico a través de nuestro Coordinador de Relaciones Familiares y Título I, Marsha Musick. Responderemos a su solicitud lo más rápido posible. 

Tennessee has adopted the National Standards for Family Engagement.  The standards are listed below:
  • Standard 1- Welcoming All Families into the School Community
  • Standard 2- Communicating Effectively
  • Standard 3- Supporting Student Success
  • Standard 4- Speaking up for Every Child
  • Standard 5- Sharing Power
  • Standard 6- Collaborating with Community
Kingsport City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries concerning the system's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are directed to the Kingsport City Schools compliance officer for employees, Jennifer Guthrie at 400 Clinchfield Street, Suite 200, Kingsport, TN 37660, or by phone at (423) 378.2103; for the general public, Andy True at 400 Clinchfield Street, Suite 200, Kingsport, TN 37660, or by phone at (423) 378.2130; and for students Andy True at 400 Clinchfield Street, Suite 200, Kingsport, TN 37660, or by phone at (423) 378.2130. Inquiries concerning Section 504 are directed to contact compliance officer Dr. Lamar Smith at 400 Clinchfield Street, Suite 200, Kingsport, TN 37660, or by phone at (423) 378.8598.